World Bamboo Organization

Had a magnificent message from one of our supporters attaching this incredible video for the Bamboo Day with a very strong and heart touching message.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did…

It is estimated that there are more than two billion hectares - that is nearly 5 billion acres - of deforested and degraded land around the world. We've heard about planting trees, yes, but it is time to plant bamboo. Bamboo is resilient & adaptable - with immense biodiversity. Bamboo can restore degraded land, mitigate climate change and alleviate poverty. It is time to plant bamboo.

#thebestbamboo #PlantBamboo #BambooisGrowing #UNSDGs #KewDeclaration #UNGlobalCompact #landrestoration #degradedland #climatemitigation #alternativetimber #alleviatepoverty #carboncapture #agroforestry #KeepBambooStrong #bamboo
